Check out the rest of TEAM ROKEENA' . Make sure to Scroll down to the bottom of this page and click on their photos to find more about them..
Robyn & Russell - Shellie & Emily
Robyn Wallis Russell Wallis Shellie Marshall Emily Marshall
Who we are - A little History
Click here to see
photos of our kennels
My name is Robyn Wallis and I live with my husband Russell in a lovely country village called Gisborne , which is about 45 mins. from Melbourne. Australia. ‘Rokeena Kennels’ has been part of my life it seems, almost forever. It began in 1972 when I first began breeding Gordon Setters. I owe Rokeena's current success today with PBGV’s, to the wealth of experience as a breeder, exhibitor, handler and judge this wonderful breed has afforded me, and I am very proud of the achievements I have had within the breed, having produced a number of world renowned Gordon Setters which are now behind many of the top winning Gordons Setters in many successful kennels around the world.
Click on the link to see photos of some of my ......‘Gordon Setters’
Unfortunately as time goes by, even though we don’t feel older, our bodies think otherwise, so in the late 1990’s this lead me to a dilemma. Did I stay with my beautiful Gordons for another 10 years of so, or did I find a smaller breed that I could still manage to handle and do justice to, for many more years.
Once my
decision was made, I figured the search for a smaller breed would be easy,
that was until I began to
list the things I wanted in a another breed of dog........ small, but not too small........ hairy, but not hard
to groom or look after............. fun and alert, but not aggressive; good natured......... eye
catching in the ring............. not too popular, but great as a family pet; and
of course, a dog I
would get the pleasure promoting correctly and successfully here in Australia,
as I believe I have done with Gordon Setters over the years.
The decision was made for me in a totally unexpected way. I had rejected so
many possibilities for some reason or another, then in 1997, when studying for my
Hound License I came across the standard of the Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen.
Suddenly everything fell into place; 13 to 15 inches high......... up to 15 kgs..........happy
nature.........rough-coated........ shown untrimmed!!!! …………
As there were none in Australia at that time. So began my quest to obtain one of
these wonderful little dogs, a quest which very quickly turned into a complete,
utter and passionate obsession that has seen Russell & I travel to the USA, UK,
France and other European countries, meeting and making some of the most
wonderful friends around the world, who have, not once, got sick of me and my
endless questions regarding the breed. (Well they haven’t told me yet anyway?)
It is due to these great friends with their patience and help, that Russ & I
have the great PBGV’s we do today. We have been lucky enough to import a
number of well bred PBGV's to Australia since December 2000 from some really
great International PBGV kennels which formed the foundation of Rokeena PBGV's of the future.
More changes have been made in the kennels since 2014 that will keep the PBGVs from this foundation in good hands for many years in the future.
SHELLIE MARSHALL & her daughter EMILY, who both with a passion as great as mine for the breed have now joined us at Rokeena in our breeding program.
As one can imagine an enterprise as great as Russell & I began with developing a foundation for the breed is not only expensive, but requires much time and effort and we could not have done this without the fantastic help of some great people here in Australia & overseas who now make up what we are all proud to call –
CLICK on the photos of the rest of the Team to read more about them.
Bev & Dave Tophill
Pacifique Kennels NZ