Owned - B.Humprey - C.Benedict - Russ Wallis - B.Miller
~ Now in the USA ~
Esai - is from our 'C' Litter. Once again a lovely type and shape this great little dog began his life with Laureen Binns in Tasmania. After an illustrious career in the ring as a youngster , when he was 18 months old for personal reasons, Laureen could not keep him. He came back to Rokeena and it was decided he should go to the USA. He certainly established himself very quickly adding the title of Am.Ch. to his name by winning WD at the 2 Regional Specialties and again at the National three days in a row at Rhode Island in 2005. He also took our BOW at one of these shows and and an Award of Merit. He now stands at stud in the USA at Sidekick Kennels and has some very pretty youngsters on the ground that will be making their marks in the US showring very soon.
Click on link to see
- Esai's Children
Pedigree - (Click on the underlined names to see photos of dogs)
Aust& Am. Ch.
Rokeena Parfaire L'Creme |
Ch. Rokeena Alyons Amusement |
Charlen's Make Mine a Double |
Magnifique de Fin Renard |
Ch. Charlens Octopussy | |||
Plushcourt Promesse |
Ch. Jupiter de Fin Renard avec Plushcourt | ||
Hectoplasme de Fin Renard avec Plushcourt | |||
Chouan Pret A Porter |
Ch. Complement Idee Fixe | Ch. Complement Krolewtcz Ransu | |
Chouan Daisy | |||
Chouan Breakfast At Tiffany's | Ch. Dehra Nuance | ||
Ch. Chouan Pretty Flamingo |