Pierre  - is from our the  I-Litter.   He is owned by  Janine Ali  of   Shirakhan Kennels  in Broken Hill NSW and lives with a number of her other PBGV's.  

 more photos of Pierre

Pedigree  - (Click on the underlined names to see photos of dogs)

Rokeena French Image Rokeena  Fantastique Aust&NZ Ch. Chouan Simon Says(Dnk)


Chouan Kid Galahad
Chouan Just Kidding
Ch. Rokeena La Coquette Ch. Rokeena Alyons Amusement
Ch. Chouan Pret a Porter
Aust.Ch. Rokeena Brillante Ch.Am.Jap.Ch.
Charlen's Make Mine a Double
Magnifique de Fin Renard
Ch. Charlens Octopussy
Am.Ch.Chouan Pret A  Porter (Imp Dnk) Ch. Complement Idee Fixe
Chouan Breakfast at Tiffanys